Sorry, old man hits the wrong button! Your last paragraph may function as a clarion call for us proclaimers of the Gospel to listen for it, ourselves.

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I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you.

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Thank you so very much for this encouraging essay. I work with many despondent clergy. That last paragraph is beautiful and really could be the clarion

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Claiming the center for churches of the West and its learning institutions where the past and the future are "coherently" organized has been a pervasive problem. I detect a failure to place "community" at the forefront of such conversations. It could be we are selling Christianized secularism as a legitimately NT teaching.

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Thank you, for this much needed reflection on the churn and God’s Grace. When I left lay leadership to enter the clergy ranks, what inspired me was the need to proclaim the Good News of God’s Grace in Jesus Christ. Now in my fifteenth year, I continue to be inspired that way. Thanks be to God I’m blessed with a small rural church that is thriving and embodying the grace that is our God.

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