1 Comment
Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Responding to the email sent to us today: While I fully appreciate the work toward alleviating suffering for Palestinians, your link to Israel/Palestinian Mission Network shows a mission that is very skewed, full of unjust prejudice and bias against Jews I cannot support. It is against the sovereignty and rights for Israelis to have safety and security for their own people and country. This Network succeeds in spreading a simplistic and false narrative of the issues at stake. For instance, I found no deep understanding of Iranian fueled terrorism that puts Israel and Palestinians in a very difficult predicament where the Biblical lands which are currently open to the world will not have the freedoms and openness under any other Middle Eastern government that sides with Iran.

Palestine needs international aid to support strong learning institutions going forward. It was neglected in the past, and youth were allowed to languish under the corrupt government that frittered away or stole their resources preventing human flourishing. There is strong inculcation of hate present that I have rarely experienced anywhere else in the world. Lack of good governance, education and social institutions are again the primary culprit here to a better Palestinian future, not Israel. We should think about how the nations can support transparency and good leadership in Palestine, not use this time to bully Israel with softly veiled antisemitic views. Please stop pushing the narrative that Israel started all of this. Why don't you ask what would happen if all the hostages are returned by Hamas? Wouldn't this war stop immediately? We can not get to re building Palestine unless the Palestinians work with the international community to put hate and acrimony aside and look to receiving the world's volunteers, ensuring their safety for all in our collaboration. But many endemic internal problems under Iran's jihadic mindset must be disowned and disavowed.

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